Friday, February 8, 2013

About Me and Chronicling Georgia O'Keeffe

Pat Cypher

I apologize to O'Keeffe who said, "I have settled it for myself  so flattery and criticism go down the same drain."  It is precisely because  she kept to her own ideas, that the flattery, criticism, and fascination with her life and art continues.

Georgia O'Keeffe at Ghost Ranch,  photography by Robert Reck, Architectural   Digest

After years of reading, researching and thinking about Georgia O'Keeffe, I am amazed at the continuing interest in her life, art and iconography.  In my almost daily search for information about her, I so often discover new photographs, information, and/or drawings, sketches, or paintings by her that I had never seen before -- and so I have  decided to blog about all things Georgia O'Keeffe.

Alfred Stieglitz, Georgia O'Keeff Hands, 1919, Art Institute of Chicago

The postings, discussions, social media references,
scholarly treatises, news about new exhibitions,  books, and lectures relating to  Georgia O'Keeffe that I find in today's world (from high brow to ridiculous -- professional to almost profane) are on-going and world wide.  I hope that by sharing both past and present information about her, we will arrive at a better understanding of O'Keeffe's enduring presence in our world. Please join me with your comments.

I am indebted to museums throughout the world that showcase her works, Barbara Lynes Buhler, Georgia O'Keeffe: Catalogue Raisonne, The Georgia  O'Keeffe Museum that carries on her tradition,  universities and libraries that make available their archives, espacially the Paul Strand Archive, University of Arizona, Center for Creative Photography and the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library/Alfred Stieglitz/Georgia O'Keeffe Archive, Yale University, but most importantly, Georgia O'Keeffe herself who had  the foresight, wisdom, and business acumen to see that her history and art lives on.

Dan Budnick, Georgia O'Keeffe, The Collier Gallery

Please join the discussion and comment on and Like this blog.

Pat Cypher


  1. She was so creative and brilliant . . .truly an icon!

  2. Pat, I enjoyed your blog and was glad to find someone as obsessed with O'Keeffe as I ! I'm writing an article and will send you a link when I'm finished. I blog at

  3. I went to visit Georgia, one upon a time. I took so many photographs, or so I thought, of her house and the surroundings. She wasn't home. I was told to find her down the road at a nearby house.
    I continued taking photographs along the way. I didn't find her at the second location.
    To my misfortune, not one of the photos turned out, everything was black on the negatives. To this day, I don't know what happened.
    She was a friend of Eliot Porter, a teacher/photographer who was my photography teacher. Oh, I wonder what memories were on that film.
    She inspires me to this very day.


Please join the discussion and tell us what you think about Georgia O'Keeffe