Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Was Georgia O'Keeffe a Tomboy?

Georgia O'Keeffe, A Portrait, 1918, Alfred Stieglitz

When Georgia O'Keeffe arrived in Ward, Colorado in 1917, she was a teacher at Texas Normal College.  

Georgia O'Keeffe in Canyon, Texas, c 1916-1917 . Gift of The Georgia O'Keeffe Foundation. 

She spent much of her time "tramping" in the mountains.

Georgia O'Keeffe near Estes Park, Colorado, 1917, Georgia O'Keeffe Museum 

In Colorado, the women of the mountains wore "trousers" -- O'Keeffe still wore skirts.  She commented in a letter that she would like to send to Denver for a pair of trousers . . .

In an early blog post  Icon Georgia O'Keeffe, I discussed both Georgia O'Keeffe and James Dean as American icons.  I posted some of those images on my O'Keeffe Pinterest Boards and they have become some of my most popular pins.

I said that "I did find a photo of O'Keeffe tagged "ICON/Georgia O'Keeffe" on the blog Tomboy Style along with a statement of what is meant by a Tomboy 


. . . Although the Tomboy is often identified by her clothing, what makes her wholly so is an inherent sense of "confidence, rebelliousness and adventure". . .

Georgia O'Keeffe by Alfred Stieglitz, 1918, Everett CSU

 . . . What makes her so is a sense of "confidence, rebelliousness and adventure". . . a precise description of Georgia O'Keeffe . . she  qualifies as not only a tomboy, but a Tomboy Icon.

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